Wednesday, November 2, 2011

History of The Word Autism

The Word Autism Spoke in 1911

The word autism dates back over 100 years. The word comes from "autos" meaning self. and the Greek suffix "ismos" which means action or state of being.The combined word "autism" translates into being  absorbed by oneself. Eugen Bleuler was the first person to use the term referring to schizophrenia back in 1911.  He was a Swiss psychiatrist .In the 1940's researchers begin to use the "autism" to describe
children with emotional and social problems and in 1943 Leo Kanner and John Hopkins translated the term "autism" into High Functioning Autism and Asperger's Syndrome. By the 1960's the medical profession begin to have a different or separate understanding of children with autism and begin to define the symptoms. 

Autism spoke then and speaks now to several million families. It has been estimated that over 48 million people have some form of Autism. The difference for me is that it SPEAKS LOUDER which leads to more research, programs and treatments.The spectrum is diverse and so are the people who are affected by it. Together we can overcome and help create a level of understanding which will continue to educate NOW.

Addressing Special Needs Through A Special Blend of Services

1 comment:

  1. Great to know these things that we take so lightly! Again as always God Bless
